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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dancing with my Daddy

Eva has reached the age where she now loves to play. She loves to play with toys, with books, and mostly, she loves to play with people. In particular, she loves to play with her Daddy! She knows him. She knows she loves him. She knows he loves her. As soon as he walks in the door from work, he walks over to her in her bouncy seat or jumperoo (where she normally chills while I make dinner), says “Hello Donkey” and she almost always coughs in his face and then laughs. She has already figured out that Daddy thinks it’s funny to hear those fake coughs – it’s not like he encourages it or anything. ;)

It’s so so so fun for me to watch their unique, playful relationship develop so quickly. Already, she has figured out that Daddy is her best and most amusing playmate. We have different roles when it comes to parenting – I just can’t seem the play the way he does.

If we’re friends on Facebook or Twitter, you may have already taken a peek at this video. But for the rest of you, here is their latest trick.

I have watched this video a billion and two times already since I snapped it last night, and it’s still making me smile every time.


Jackie said...

SO cute...I love (and I miss) those toothless grins.

Daddy's that play are so special too...I am the same way, not nearly as fun as Daddy. :)

Laura said...

Oh my goodness! SOOO cute!

Meg said...

I LOVE it. That is simply precious! :)

Nicole said...

So cute! I love the very last look she gives Evan before you stop recording. Poor thing doesn't love her daddy a bit.

Katie @ Loves of Life said...

that video is AWESOME. Daddies can "play" pretty hardcore can't they?

Anonymous said...

I can't stop watching this video. it's so cute! i love her little laugh:)


Holly said...

That's so cute! Probably that's how it's going to go...daddy will most likely always be the fun one. Most mothers would never dance around the room with their baby balanced on one hand, and most likely feel just a little nervous when daddy does it, but dads and kids love that kind of thing! I had to learn to just bite my tongue when dad rough-houses with the kids, and there is a lot of screaming (the fun kind), and almost always someone ends up in tears, because even though it drives me crazy and I don't want anybody to get hurt, that kind of rough and tumble play with dad is important for the kids.

I just realized that my comments always end up sounding like I think I'm the wise old mom who's got all the answers! Believe me, I do not!

Anonymous said...

I am 3 days late in catching this, but OMW, how CUTE!

sandy atwood said...

I am lazy and just found your post through my daughter-in-law's blog. What an adorable daughter (and hubby) and I loved the video.