Of course, I am thankful for this big goofy grin (excuse the poor quality photo - not much light in our bedroom). Every time my girl smiles at me, it fills my heart.
I am thankful for Cherry Coke Zero. I told you all on Tuesday that we can't buy it in Canada so I stocked up, buying 4 cases when I was in the states. I am so glad that this nectar of the gods is back in my life. In all honesty, I am a Pepsi fan, not a coke fan, but only when it comes to the regular versions. When it comes to the flavored colas, diets, zeros and so on - I will always choose Coke.
Speaking of that, I am thankful for the United States of America and all they have to offer - mainly Cherry Coke Zero, Target, and the Carter's outlet. I had a very successful shopping day on Monday.
And to continue, I am thankful for all the button-up/open sweater options that Target had available. This nursing Mama was glad to get 5 new sweaters that look decent on her post baby body and give her easy access to the ladies at all hours of the day.
I am thankful for beautiful fall weather. We've enjoyed a beautiful autumn so far and it makes it much easier to get motivated to get out for walks than if the weather was crappolo.
I am thankful for my family and friend ands the amazing support they have been to me since Eva was born. Just this week alone, my friend Crystal came over to help with Eva so I could get some housework done, my mom came to go shopping with me, the Dude's aunt brought dinner, cleaned up my kitchen and stayed for the evening when she knew he had to work late, and my sister sent me an e-mail to encourage me when I was down. That is just the start.
What are you thankful for this Thursday?
In my {vast} experience, I have found that weeks 5-9 with a newborn are THE HARDEST! I think the 'new' is over, true exhaustion has set in, you are tired of having to choose between a shower OR fixing dinner that day, and for some reason babies digestive systems kick in then and they are just fussy! And for someone like me who fizzles out at about 6 p.m. every night, nighttime fussies are THE WORST!
I don't know exactly what you and Eva are going through right now, but I suspect it's pretty normal. Take a nap. Then a shower. Then fix dinner. Then snuggle with your babe. Because you will blink and she will be getting ready to get her driver's license. And you think you are stressed now!
Praise God for all the good stuff!!
I'm glad folks are helping care for you guys -- I wish I was closer, for I'd certainly be around to help.
What a beautiful smile from your girl -- that has to help in the midst of the stress.
I am so sorry you've had such a rough week! I've wondered where you were. I PROMISE that it will get better, this infant stage really does go by in a flash (even though it doesn't feel like it sometimes!). And what great things to be thankful for! I'm so glad you have so much support around you!
That smile is just precious! It's awesome to have an involved husband, isn't it? But it can still get overwhelming...hang in there.
I am so sorry that life is hard right now. Does that mean it is time for me to come yet?
I am glad that you have so much support there already- you are doing a great job.
I'm thankful for you :) Love you honey and I hope bright skies are in your future!
What a sweet smile from your little girlie :) Loved your list, sounds like you are doing an awesome job of staying positive during this sleep deprived season of life :)
that picture is priceless!! what a beautiful smile, it made me smile :)
you have so many wonderful things to be thankful for! sounds like your family is being such a great help!!
glad you have cherry coke zero back in your life ;) i love that stuff as well! i have to admit, i kinda miss drinking pop these days....
enjoy your weekend!!
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