Monday I wrote about Eva's first wedding. The wedding was about 45 minutes away from the Dude's parents house so we decided to head there for the weekend to introduce Evalyn to her Nana and Grandpa's house.
I started to get stressy about how to pack for her early in the week. Thankfully, my good blog friend, Kristin, suggested packing her things in ziploc bags to keep track of what she would need for each day. What a great suggestion! I don't think I will ever pack for Eva any other way. And it was a good thing I did, since her oil opened in my suitcase on the way home. Luckily that was contained!
She did so great on the drive. We stopped about 25 minutes into our drive at a mall so I could try to search for some things for her and to have lunch. I wore her in the sling and she snoozed the entire time. She fussed a bit as we got her back into the car but quickly fell back asleep and slept the rest of the drive. She was a ravenous beast when we arrived because she was clearly starving, but she made it! She quickly found a nice spot to get cozy at Nana's.
She was excited to meet her cousins, O and B. They were the last of her cousin's that she had not met yet. Eva and Baby B look so different in size right now, it's hard to believe that within a year or two they will just seem like they are the exact same age. O was so eager to love on Eva the whole weekend! My girl is never going to lack in the "loved" department.

At the wedding, Eva got to meet Great Grandma Shirley. Again, more love.

I already wrote about how well she did at the wedding so I won't rehash that here. But I will say that all the partyin' must have worn her out since she and her cousin needed to have a nice Sunday afternoon nap together.

When she woke up, we took her up to the nursing home to meet another Great Grandma. It is so special to me that Eva has 6 great grandparents that are still living.

Sunday evening came but Eva's vacation wasn't over yet. Eva and I headed home with my parents (who were in the same area because of the wedding). Again, she was a champ for the long car ride. She slept the whole way until we stopped for dinner and then she woke up, ate, didn't let mommy eat, and then stayed awake in the car for the last 30 minutes home.
She loved hanging out with Nana K for a few days. On Monday we took her shopping in the city and again, she did awesome. She just chilled out in her stroller and in the sling.

Off to see the next set of Great Grandparents (actually - now that I think of it, I don't have a photo of her with Great Grandma and Grandpa C but she saw every single one of her great grandparents this weekend. I bet that will never happen again).

This is the Grandma that she's named after...
I'm not sure what this picture has to do with our mini vacation but it is really cute so I had to share it.

When I told Eva our vacation was over and it was time to go home, she was none too happy.

Nana and Papa took us half way to meet the Dude and we all had supper together. I'm quickly learning that Eva is
much better at going out for lunch than for supper.
The first time going away as a family with a new baby can certainly be nerve racking but thankfully Eva made it super easy for me. We have four more little mini vacations coming up in the next two months so hopefully she'll keep up the good work for those :)
you're gonna keep her on the move huh? :)
Such cute pictures!!! I love the second to last one! Haha. So funny.
You're a traveling machine little lady! Everyone wants to see that little booger of yours :) So glad it was a smooth trip!
Those chunky cheeks and double chin are killin me!
way to be a traveler! That's how i want to be with my babies.
Aww your baby girl is adorable!! Have fun with all the traveling. I have a toddler and we don't go off our routine much, which means when we do (like having to nap or sleep somewhere else) it doesn't go so well... so it's good to keep it changing every so often so that they become more adaptable.
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