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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dear Bloggy Friends,

Dear Bloggy Friends,

Please do not write any hilarious, interesting, thought provoking, delicious or creative posts today. You see, I really need to spend a lot of time completing a draft of my thesis proposal in order to meet my self-imposed deadline by tomorrow's meeting with my advisor. It would be very rude of you to distract me with your witty humor, fun weekend recaps and yummy recipes. Please respect my wishes.

Yours truly,

Lucy Marie


Taryn said...

yes ma'am! good luck!

Brittany Ann said...

I was just thinking that my weekend recap is going to be purty no worries here! Good luck!

Meg said...

Hope you aren't too distracted and finish your project today! :)

Courtney said...

Haha! I feel like this sometimes too!

Emily said...

Ah! Well I wish you luck!!

Don't worry about me.. been pretty boring around here.

Cristina said...'re so funny, we will try our best to be as boring as possible. Now get back to work missy!

Emily said...

Lol, good luck!

But to distract you further, we LOVE the envelope system. I started by going through our credit card statements to get an idea of what we spend each month where, and then made a rough budget off of that - the first month was to see how that went, and then we tweaked it slightly and went from there. Feel free to shoot me an email if you want more specifics!

Meagan said...

Too funny! I'll do my best to not distract get back to work!!

Denise K. said...

Oh you are so funny!!!! :-)