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Monday, May 18, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Well, I guess it's about time for me to get back on the menu planning wagon. Last week was a complete write off. With a combination of me just returning from vacation, the fabulous dude working an obscene amount of overtime and a few nights that we were out with friends and family for dinner, I have hardly cooked since I got home - aside from a horrible loaf of Rye bread that ended up in the garbage. Tear. I am dying to cook. Seriously, I feel like I am in with drawl. This week isn't going to be very different from last as the fabulous dude is going to be at work every single night. However, I have decided that I have to stop eating junk just because he isn't home for dinner and so I will cook dinner as per usual and he can eat when he gets home.

Today is a holiday here in Canada. The hubby is at his folks place working on their roof and won't be home until late tonight so I am just relaxing at home. Last night, I went to a good old fashioned slumber party with her and her and her. We stayed up too late, ate too much food and laughed a lot. There was even a trip to the grocery store in our PJ's. Today, she and I went for a really long walk and spent most of the day together. It was nice. Girlfriends are nice. Therefore, nothing on the menu for today.

So here's the menu for the rest of this week:

Tuesday: Ground beef wellington, maple honey roasted potatoes, roasted asparagus

Wednesday: Curry chicken bites, rice, lemon pepper asparagus

Thursday: Greek feta burgers, tzatziki (I give up trying to spell that) sauce, pitas, and sweet potato fries

Friday: Hot pockets to go (we'll be heading back to his parents so he can finish the roof and I can love up my nieces)

Lunches: Hot pockets, cold meat sandwiches, Greek salads

Snacks: Granola bars, homemade granola and yogurt, fresh fruit

Head over here for more menu planning ideas.


SnoWhite said...

Your menu looks awesome.

Glad you're back in your kitchen. You continue to inspire me.

Emily said...

Can I come to your house? All we get anymore is frozen pizza, hamburger helper, or spaghetti. BLAH!