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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mission Accomplished

After spending Friday working on the bathroom cupboards and kitchen pantry, I spent Saturday doing the real work .... the closets and spare room/office/craft room.

First I tackled the bedroom. I am ashamed, embarrassed and disgusted to admit that I was able to get rid of as much as I did while still having clothes on our backs, let alone still having two closets and two dressers full. As I was in midst of this task, the fabulous dude came in and said, "I'm not going to let you shop as much". Umm, ya think?

There isn't much explaining to do except to tell you that I went through every single thing we own and held nothing back.

So, here goes nothing.

The before...

The during (this was a must-get-worse-before-it-gets-better project)...

The after...

Now, to show you exactly how much of a difference there is I am going to show you the stuff that I got rid of. Again, as I said at the outset of this post, I am embarrassed that it was even possible for me to get rid of this much stuff. Please don't judge. This picture includes the stuff that I am giving away. It does NOT include the stuff that I just threw out. There wasn't much that was garbage worthy, but some stuff like socks, underwear, old work clothes was tossed.

Are you ready? Everything on the bed is what is being given away...

Here it is all packed up and labeled according to who/where it is going to...
The coolest part about this is that after writing my first post indicating that I was going to be purging my closets, someone contacted me and let me know of an individual who is really in need of clothing who is about the same size as me. So, the majority of my clothes were packed up for her with the exception of a few things that I'm sending to my sister. The FD's stuff was packed up for either my BIL or to be donated. One bag is trash and the box has housewares and other items that are to be donated.

Above and beyond clothes I got rid of a bunch of stuff that had been hanging out on the shelves of the closets. When I was sorting through these items (most were sentimental in some way) I asked myself, "If this belonged to my mom, would I want to have it now?" If the answer was yes, then I kept it for my future children. The rest was placed in the to-go pile if I have no purpose for it.

I feel so great after completing this task. First of all, I am thrilled to know that I will be able to bless someone else with the items that I no longer need. Second, this task has given me a renewed appreciation for all that I have! I am certainly not in want.

After the bedroom was done, I headed to the spare room.

Not much to say except there was a lot of junk kicking around that is now gone. The only problem? Lots of stuff was just placed inside the craft cabinet instead of around it.

I guess I know what I'm doing this afternoon...

This post is being linked up to Organizing Junkie's Surface and Shelf Organizing post!


Emily said...

Can you come do my house next?

Looks like you were very busy!!! Were all guilty of accumulating so much stuff than we really need. Someone will be very lucky to get the stuff!

Brittany Ann said...

Great work!

SnoWhite said...

Awesome. Bet it feels really good :)

I love your question -- if this were my mom's, would I want it? That's a great way to think about purging.

By the way, we have many of the same books on our bookshelf (minus the French-English dictionary, of course!)

Taryn said...

Nice work! I am impressed! (Don't be embarrassed about the clothes. I understand- I have clothes still stashed at my parents' house!)

Courtney said...

Good for you!! That's great that you can give some to someone else!

Denise K. said...

Wow, you have been so busy and must be exhausted! Today take a nap! :-)

Christy said...

I'm stopping by from Org Junkie's Round-up.

Wow! Looks amazing! I am inspired to tackle my clothes and bedroom. Great job!