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Friday, March 22, 2013

two point five

My Eebs,

I write about you a lot in this little space. About the funny things you say and do. Your crazy antics. Your quirks. But it has been a long, long while since I’ve written to you here.

A long while since I’ve stopped to tell you how proud I am of the little girl you are. Of your sweet, nurturing, motherly heart. Of your compassion and sensitivity toward your sister and any other baby you interact with. Of your amazing sense of humour. Of your intelligence. Of your voice that never stops singing. Of your beaming smile. Of your joy.

I am so proud to call you mine.

Today, you are two and a half years old. The day I first met you is forever etched in my memory – as though it was yesterday. I can still feel your tiny body pressed against my chest as I hugged you and kissed you and poured tears of love on you for the first time.


I can get back to that moment in an instant. Yet, at the same time, you’ve always been here. It’s like a time before you is so distant I can hardly remember it.

You have changed me. You have molded me as a mother. You have taught me so much in such a short time. In an instant to can make my blood boil and then melt my heart. You make me laugh more than anything. Your hugs and kisses and cuddles prove to me that I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.

Forever you, my Big Baby Girl, will be the one who made me a mother. Thank you for that gift.

Just don’t grow up too fast.


My love for you knows no bounds.



Lucky in Love said...

She is just SO beautiful! I mean gosh. Seriously.

Liz said...

she's so freaking cute. :) so wish her and brady could hang out!

Crystal Seed said...

She is gorgeous! Like, for real! Happy 2.5 Eva!!!

Samantha said...

Such a cutie!!