Over the course of my pregnancy, I was surprised that when I told people about our plans for home birth, one of the things that they asked about most was the placenta. This was surprising to me that this aspect of birth was one that people were most interested in in terms of how it would go down at home.
Most commonly, the question was/is, "So, what do you do with the placenta?"
The answer is this: you bury it. Well, at least that's one option. When she was born we were informed that it is now allowed to put it in the garbage, but burying it is the recommended option.
And, because our number one priority following her birth was not having the Dude go out and a dig a 6 foot hole to bury it, the midwives just told us to pop it in the freezer and bury it later.
The idea of having a placenta in our freezer is one that many of our friends found rather amusing as we prepared for our home birth. Some people informed us that they would be scared to go get ice cream or something, in case they grabbed the wrong container.
So, we found it highly amusing when BFF's mom and sister delivered this lasagna to us the other night:
too funny :)
Ha! We threw mine away. After we got some good pictures :)
What to do with the placenta never even occurred to me for home birth situations. People are too funny.
Wait...you're not going to eat it? In that case, can we serve it at the wedding? Because we aren't having a cake...
My brother and I were both born at home, and each time my parents buried it and planted a tree over it. They don't live in those houses anymore, and I'm sure the new owners have no idea the trees flourishing at the corners of their properties look so nice because they had placenta fertilizer, but with all of the blood and nutrients in it, whatever is planted over it seems to do really well. Just a way to commemorate her birth.
Cracks me UP! Meals from friends was my lifesaver after having Logan!
that's both disgusting and hilarious. and what to do with it never crossed my mind!
ha ha ha love this :) Super cute and funny!!
Oh man! That's hysterical! My friend had to save hers because she chose to have it freeze-dried and put in capsules for a natural menopause treatment. You can imagine the reactions she got, too:)
She's a funny one, my sister!
That is too funny! I don't think it would've even occured to me to ask about the placenta! Crazy stuff!
I bet that is an interesting conversation to have. I think I'd bury it.
We buried ours in the forest but later we found out that an animal had dug it up and the sheriff in the tiny town nearby had had an all out search going to find the "abandoned" newborn who belonged to the placenta!
FINALLY going through and commenting on blogs ... and this STILL makes me LOL!!!
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