After a week of gloominess, sickness and all together blah-ness, it was wonderful to get some productivity in my system and get something accomplished!
It's 10:44 am and so far I have:
- Narrowed down the possibilities for our Christmas cards
- Baked bread to put in the freezer for hubby to take when he goes hunting for a week
- Done dishes
- Cleaned and disinfected the entire kitchen (including pulling out the stove and cleaning the sides of it and the floor behind it - um, yuck)
- Cleaned our room
- Cleaned the spare room
- Dusted the whole apartment
- Planned the next two week's menus
What are you up to this beautiful Saturday? I'm heading out to enjoy the sunshine and babysit some sweet kiddos soon!
WHAT! You cleaned AROUND the stove, not just the top? I didn't even know it could pull out. Blec. Not going to think about it. Way to have a good productive morning- the only thing on my to do list today is to get a drain stopper for the tub. I know it's a stretch...we'll see if I can manage. ;)
Wow! I wish I could be so productive. Eek. I am heading out to the Great Jack O' Lantern Blaze today... it's finally here, yay!! So, no productivity for me today, just lots of driving! :) Have a wonderful weekend!
Whoa chica- you cleaned behind the oven? Dang. I have yet to clean in the oven.
Whew- good for you!
Glad you are feeling better.
You are a rock star, my friend.
I slept in until almost 10. (Yeah, I'm a little ashamed). I took a shower, ate breakfast, fed the sick kiddo (by that I mean I handed her 4 pancakes and let her have at it), checked e-mail, responded to said e-mail, gave the second kiddo who's getting sick(ugh!) some ibuprofen, and now I'm checking blogs.
Hhmmm... maybe I'll do a load of laundry today. ;)
Have fun and enjoy your Saturday there, Superwoman.
Come on over! I need to do all that, and I need help and motivation!
We are having a surprise 13th birthday party for my son tonight, so I've been up since super early getting ready! Hope we can pull it off!!!
I'm stuck inside in the rain. You are so productive! I cleaned out our coat closet and 3 lazy susan's. Husband thinks I'm pregnant (that is how I act when I am--but I'm not) xoxo
Me?? Just plain ol' RELAXING!
i wish i had your motivation today! i had a fun saturday and today i'm as lazy as they come....i plan to read blogs most of the day ;)
You are a machine!!!
Wow girl! Glad you are feeling better :)
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