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Monday, June 10, 2013

catching up

It’s been quite a while so it’s time to catch up with some good ol’ Eeba says. Here we go…


Bedtime seems to be when her best conversations start to happen. Here are some of the latest beauties.

"Mom where's Jesus?" "He's in your heart". Linda said he's in the sky". "Well, yes. He lives in your heart and he also lives in heaven with God". "Where's heaven?" "Wayyyyyy up in the sky". "I don't want to go to heaven". "Yes, someday you will want to go there". "Is there is toys in heaven?" "Yes! There are so many toys there". "Is it a house?" "Yes! It is a big big big house". "Who built it?" "God did". "But who put the triangle right on top?"

And when talking about her Aunt Linda and Aunt Marcia, she said asked if they were Mommy’s. I said “No, they are Aunts”. For some reason, despite knowing this information full well, she was confused.  “They aren’t Marcia Aunt and Linda Aunt. They are Marcia and Linda”. And I said, “Yes, but they are your AUNT Marcia and AUNT Linda. Just like Aunt Kristin, Aunt Logi Aunt Shelley and Aunt Holly and all of your other Aunties”. She looked at me like I was nuts and said, “WELL ARE THEY BLACK THINGS THAT CRAWL ON THE GROUND?” You got me, Kid.


On Mother’s Day weekend, my mom came to visit. When she got here, she commented that she liked the lantern on my sofa table. Eva was quick to tell her, "That is NOT yours. That white one is my mommy's. It's only for my mommy. The black one in the present downstairs is yours". Thanks, kid.


That same visit, Evalyn was very excited for her Nana to arrive. When she woke up from nap, she pulled a chair to the window and sat down to wait. I thought it was going to be a longggg afternoon because I wasn’t expecting my mom for another few hours. I told Evalyn she was going to get very bored if she stayed there. But we were pleasantly surprised that Nana arrived early and when she pulled in Eva was ecstatic yelling “Do I don’t have to be bored anymore? My favourite friend Nana is here! It’s my girl Nana!”


I will preface this one by saying that I am NOT pregnant. Yet the following conversation happened at dinner a few nights ago.
Eva: We're going to have a new baby in a few weeks.
Evan: Who is?
Eva: Me!
Evan: Are you pregnant?
Eva: No. But my mom is. Because first she had Gwennie but then we needed to get one last baby so there WAS Gwen but now she will go gone all the weeks and we will have a new baby.

As we got further into the conversation, we realized the reason she expected that Gwen would “go gone” when a new baby came was because the new baby would have to sleep in the crib. So, duh, Gwen has to pack up and move out. She doesn’t seem to grasp that if/when a new baby does come, Baby Gwennie will become a BIG GIRL just like her, and sleep in her bed. When we told her this she said, “Nope. I am the big girl. Gwen is a baby”. Hm, this one could get interesting.


A few weeks ago, Evan somehow caught a pigeon (or should I say Pitchin) in the barn and brought it to the house for Eva to see. And hold. She wasn’t even a little bit afraid to hold it. But, she couldn't name him because she let him go and he flew away before he told her his name.


If you are familiar with My Little Pony you may be familiar with the term “cutie mark”. Each pony has a special mark on her hind quarter that’s called the cutie mark. Well, maybe someday she’ll hate me for sharing this, but Evalyn has a rather large birth mark on her toosh. Like, really big. One day she had my phone in the playroom and was Face Timing with my parents. I walked in to find her with her pants pulled down, standing over top of the phone, and saying, “See, Papa? This is my own cutie mark!” Oh, dear. Oh, oh dear.

I wrote in my last Eva says post about the whole learning to say Pardon Me instead of “WHATTTTTTTTTTTTT” thing? Well, girlfriend’s got it down pat. Her pardon me has turned into a single word, “Pardme?” and it’s super cute. A few weeks ago, when she was still working on it, she’d have good days and bad days and days she was on herself like crazy. All day I would say things to her and she’d say “WhatPardonMe” with hardly a pause. On one of those days, she was (again) Face Timing with my parents and she caught herself saying “what” a few times and corrected herself. Then finally she said, “I’m learning to say pardon me because I always just say WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT and that’s not polite”.


We spent a long weekend at the cottage last month and while there, Eva got to do lots of special things. Including eating in front of the TV in the living room. I told her she was allowed to do this if she stayed on the picnic blanket and didn’t take her food off of it. A few minutes later, when I went back into the room to check on her, she had pulled the blanket right against the TV stand so she could press her nose against the screen in true toddler fashion without breaking the rules.


She’s a humble kid. We were in the truck and she was belting out “Awesome God” when she stopped, and said “Guess what guys? I’m a really good singer” and then a few days ago she was playing with her Nana and she said “Nana. I’m really awesome”.


One of Eva’s favourite songs right now is “Bless The Lord” although there have been times when she’s been singing it that I hear her add in her own little twist, “Rock and Roll O My Soul! O My Soul!”


There are many times when the things she says make me laugh so hard even though I have no idea where they come from or what she’s talking about. Like when we got to her cousin’s house on the way home from the cottage and when she saw all of her toys she started yelling “Oh THIS IS MAJESTY!” or when she said have “I Gwen and I call her Sissy. You are Daddy and sometimes I call you Evan. Then I say hahaha. Imagine all the things I wish I could do”. I do not even want to imagine.


In March, we went swimming once at the YMCA. It’s the first time she had been there since she was a few months old and she hasn’t been back since. Yet, when we got the kiddy pool out a few weeks ago she was so excited and started telling me that “it’s just like the YMs!” and since then she always says she’s pretending it’s the YMs.


We got a new car a few weeks ago and through the whole car shopping experience, Eva was so excited and would tell anyone who would listen that we were going to get a bigger car. So we could fit her plates and cups in it. And when we got it, for days she was so excited any time we went anywhere to sit in her new comfy car seat in her new car.


Gwen just went through a few rough weeks of teething and in particular, there was a stretch of 4-5 days that were just downright awful. In the car one day, Evalyn said to Gwen, “Alright Gwen that’s enough whining for today” although most of the time she was very sympathetic and tried to comfort her. She did, at one point, tell Evan, :Daddy do you know why Gwennie's crying all the whole day? It's cuz she has an owie teeth growing from her guns. But last day I had a bug bites and the whole time I had two slivers so I had to cry all day too. Cuz I had a bad bug bite". No typos there, I must add.


Eva refers to the man in the UPS truck as the “Man in the Black Truck”. I may have some explaining to do on this one if anyone else heard her ask me for “the movie that the man in the black truck gave to me”.


I have always waited for the novelty of having a baby sister to wear off for her. Maybe the day will come. But not so far. On a daily basis, she still says things like “My little sister sweetheart looks so precious” or “I love you little chicken gwennie” or something else equally cute and adorable.


Lots of people have words or expression that they say funny because of their toddler. Some of our best are ‘parmich’ (parm cheese), ‘ress-a-want’, ‘rumber’ (romper) and ‘makin’ some chook’. I have no idea what this last one means but she says it whenever she is pretending to cook/bake/mix so I’ve adopted it as a saying when I am in the kitchen..


I’ve been doing the 30 Day Shred and a few days ago, I had to do my workout while Eva was awake because of our schedule for that day. Well, that wasn’t annoying at all. She basically sat underneath me the entire time and said “What are you doing Mumma? Are you jumping? What are you doing now? Are you running? I can run, too. See? I am running. Those ladies are running. Are you exercising your body? The lady said do the shoulders, Mama. DO THE SHOULDERS!”


A week or so ago, we found a nest with three baby birds and one egg left to hatch. We spent our week checking up on them and watching them waiting for a fourth baby bird. A few nights ago, while eating dinner, Eva watched out the window as our (stupid) Dog jumped up into the hedge where the nest was and got it. It was the saddest thing ever. Evalyn was so entirely upset with that dog. “NIKA! STOP! I DON’T WANT HER TO GET MY BIRDS. SHE NEEDS TO PUT THEM BACK IN THE TREE. I DO NOT WANT HER TO EAT MY BABY BIRDS!” She has been talking about it since, no surprise.


I know there are thousands more that I probably thought “Oh I’ll remember that”for sure when it happened and of course, my mind fails me. Seriously… where’s my voice recorder?! Because I certainly need one.


Rachael said...

These posts are always so cute. I finally feel like Declan is getting more verbal and isn't so behind (i was a bit worried for awhile) but Eva.. man she's FUNNY! All toddlers are funny but getting to see all the silly things she says and does is so fun.

"DO SHOULDERS MAMA!" I need her to com here and help me work out! haha

Jaclyn_Rose said...

Don't ever order candy to be delivered by UPS...if you think that "the movie that the man in the black truck gave to me" sounds bad...hehe

These are all awesome by the way.