Unfortunately, Little G didn’t win his photo contest but thank you to the few of you who tried to help him win the race.
The winner of my secret giveaway is Lindsey from This Texas Momma. Lindsey is one of my closest and oldest (as in, amount of time we’ve been friends, not age – she’s not old) blog friends. We have shared so much and I am excited to “meet” her little girl that will be joining in the world in just a few weeks.
Now, her little girl will have something pretty to adorn her head. Why? Because the prize is a unique, handmade headband from Emekay Creatives made my Katie.
Are you surprised?
We basically own shares in Emekay Creatives. Rare is the day that Eva leaves the house without an Emekay on her head. Actually, if I were being completely honest, rare is the day that Eva leaves her bedroom without an Emekay on her head.
But what can I say. They are cute. They are unique. They are fashionable. And they are very well made. They stay on her head and don’t leave marks that make it look like I’ve been smooshing her brain. What more can I ask for?
So, Linds, send me an e-mail so I can get you hooked up with your prize.
I swear if you could have linked to my shop more you would have ;) tehehe... ;)
Let her know if she wants something special too, I can do that. ;)
I am so excited! I can't wait until I have a few minutes to sit down and pick one out! Thank you!
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